The facility has implemented strategies to support the health and safety of patients, visitors, personnel, and physicians for COVID-19 prevention:
- If you or your visitor are experiencing cough, fever, or shortness of breath, please stay home and notify your physician.
- For your safety, we will be following guidance for healthcare settings according to Covid-19 community levels calculated by the CDC. You may be asked to wear a mask or face covering according to the current level. See CDC website for details.
- Visitors are allowed; however, we ask that you limit to one visitor per patient in order to maintain 6’ social distancing standards throughout the facility.
- Depending on the occupancy of the lobby area, you and/or your family member may also wait in your vehicle. If so, please leave a valid cell phone number with the front desk and ensure your ringer is turned on.
- Visitors who are sick or experiencing upper respiratory symptoms are prohibited.
- Upon arrival, you will be asked screening questions about you and your visitor’s general health. If health risks are present from this assessment, you may be asked to speak with a nurse before proceeding or your case may be rescheduled.
We appreciate your cooperation and for helping to keep our community safe!